common good, past-present-future, glocality, collective consciousness...
An invitation to think about heritage and what constitutes heritage in a context of transition from one generation to the next, where dreams confront and destroy each other. Can we live without considering the past? In what way is the common good questioned according to the scale of the municipality? Is transgenerationality possible? What do we inherit? What do we transmit?
Memory is fragile and depends on stones. When houses, buildings, factories, neighbourhoods are destroyed, their stories go with them. Jacobo Sucari (2006)
an Es Sarnalhèrs invitation, Bausen (ES)
Ingrid Castañé Curriel, researcher University of Girona
Caroline Bouissou, researcher University, UCA
After a week of exhibition the wall spoke and brought out talking walls a few words and quotes have been ripped out :
There are forms of vandalism that are less shocking, less media-friendly and probably even much more dangerous. I am not talking about the destruction of wars or the expatriation of works of art for economic reasons. I am talking about uncontrolled urbanism, about all the daily destruction in Catalan cities due to speculation and the disproportionate desire for economic profit, by those who have no morals or culture and who do not want to understand that the loss of architectural identity is synonymous with disappearance in the history books.
Xavier Barral (2005)
Héritage, présent, leg
- Es Sarnalhèrs
- Ua rosa ei ua rosa ei ua rosa