drawing n°5
An evolving drawing depicting the points and areas of heritage protections
a landscape scale drawing 2022 bilan points and projections. Dimensions: 3m x 1m60
Art center of Benasque, Spain
Caminar los Pirineos, Grand Tour 2022
supported by the art centers CDAN & NAU COCLEA
My work in Bausen, Spain began in 2019 when the project of a large-scale building complex was awakened by its shareholders from Costa Brava. In this changing rural context it seemed crucial to get involved, and in the best possible way, to defend the place and the attachment to the place by experiencing the power of art.
I began to inscribe myself in the place through artistic, ethnological and heritage actions.
Solifilia : love of the place translated into a political commitment to protect cherished habitats at all scales, from local to global, from the forces of devastation.
© C. Bouissou
- Es Sarnalhèrs
- Pensar el patrimonio