editions / SOBRALASOLAS ! radiopera

AVATAR Edition, Quebec, (CA)
Episode 1
conducted by Jérôme Joy

Radiopera with Caroline Bouissou (Caroline), Dinahbird (Bird), Björn Eriksson (Miulew), Jérôme Joy (Jérôme), Kaffe Matthews (Miss Yellow), Gregory Whitehead (Whitehead)

SOBRALASOLAS! is a radio opera for live, streamed and recorded sounds. This project, which began in 2007, gathers a international group of sound artists who through network collaboration and performances are in the process of developing a series of acousmatic episodes.
This 'radiopera' is an ongoing participative network performance with successive episodes including Jérôme Joy, Kaffe Matthews, Gregory Whitehead, Emmanuelle Gibello, Björn Eriksson, Caroline Bouissou and DinahBird : a skiffle sound & music collective adapting contemporary composition, improvisation and radiophony music.
And at present SOBRALASOLAS! is collectively developed in involving streaming and broadcasting technologies (net, web 2.0 and hertzian) in the framework of a kind of an everyday opera/co-opera   1   led and propelled by operators   2  , as much listeners as players.

Based on combinations of field recordings, spoken performances & electroacoustic improvisation in a networked playing configuration, the series of episodes don't aim to form a total work as one understands it when we speak about opera. SOBRALASOLAS! does not have preestablished scenario, nor is there a story to be told. It is neither a documentary nor a radio testimony. It is a place for glossolalies and echolalias, on-the-fly recordings and collected audio improvisations, to be experimented with, to be recontextualised and perhaps heard in new ways.
SOBRALASOLAS! intercuts collected and improvised sounds with the aim of recreating a new listening & soniferous environment that is both fictional and real, time-specific and site-specific, and certainly « deformal ».

The anniversary of art, Kunst radio Berlin, (DE)
Kunst radio Berlin edition, (DE)
Episode 2
CD edition


Creative residency, Montevideo, Marseille (FR)
Performance, Montevideo, Marseille (FR)
Episode 3
directed by Björn Eriksson (Miulew)

The title Sobralasolas! is taken from the novel Finnegans Wake by James Joyce. SOBRALASOLAS! does not have a preestablished scenario, tells no story and is not a documentary. It is rather a place for glossolalies and echolalias, on-the-fly recordings and collected improvisations. SOBRALASOLAS! combines collected and improvised sounds, with the aim of creating a new listening and auditory environment, which is both fictional and real, time-specific and site-specific. The participating artists could be all located at different places around the world, and they improvise from there, orienting themselves only to a jointly developed score and/or to a performance driven by listening and by intuitive playings. Nobody knows what could happen or not.


